Foudre-Fermented Smoked Helles
4.2% ABV
Tasting Notes: Subtle Smoke, Marshmallow, Savory, Dry, Explosive Drinkability
4 X 16 oz. cans
People have strong feelings about smoked beer; among them, that it's intense, lacks mass appeal and should only be drunk on rare occasions.
We believe the art of crafting a great smoked beer lies not in the smoke itself, but in what you place around it. Enveloped in our oak foudre and aged for six weeks, Short Fuse absorbs a pillowy toasted marshmallow character that melds perfectly with its integrated smoke character. Dry, light in body (our second-to-lightest beer after ), aromatic and smooth, it's the beer we brew to squash preconceived notions about what it means to sip on smoke.